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| Planning for your child’s education

One of our clients’ most common goals for their wealth is to use it to fund a first-rate education for their children or grandchildren. It is an extremely worthwhile financial goal that can give your children a real head start in life and put them on the road to success.


As with any area of your financial life, planning is vital to ensuring that you are able to fund your child or children for the full duration of their schooling, which may also include a university education.


In our free school fees planning guide, our expert advisers outline the various methods that parents and grandparents can use to secure the funds they need without compromising their long-term financial security. Please download it by entering your details into the form opposite or contact us for more personalised advice and support.

Download our School Fees Planning Guide

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School fees planning advice

If you are thinking of sending your child to an independent school, then it is never too early to start planning. Not only will a comprehensive plan help you save the required funds, but it will also help you to understand the impact of this expenditure on your wider financial situation.


At S4 Financial, our approach is centred on cashflow modelling, a data driven approach to financial planning that uses information about your current finances in order to predict what the future might look like. Using sophisticated software, we can adjust this model to account for a wide range of circumstances, enabling our clients to make decisions about their finances from a place of real knowledge and understanding.  

For example, we can input the school and university fees you expect to pay over the years into your cashflow model and use this to understand:

How much you will need to save per month to accumulate the required fees

Whether there are currently any potential shortfalls and how you can rectify these

The impact of remortgaging your home on your wider financial plans

Whether paying for school fees will impact your retirement plans

The level of investment risk you will need to take on to generate your desired returns.

Download our School Fees Planning Guide

Should you be looking to find out more about some of the specific methods you can employ to fund your child or grandchild’s education, our comprehensive guide is here to get you started. Although it should not be taken as personalised financial advice, it can give you a good idea of what avenues are available to both parents and grandchildren. Please fill in the form below to download.

Download our School Fees Planning Guide

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| Or, get in touch today

If you simply would like to talk to somebody about funding your child’s education, please do give us a call. One of our expert advisers would be happy to discuss your personal situation with you and provide some initial advice.



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